Una noticia positiva: han nominado uno de mis gráficos interactivos en los 'selectos' premios de la Global Editors Networks - Google - European Journalism Center. http://datajournalismawards.org/nominees/

En mi opinión es positivo que aparezcan nuevos foros, además de los grandes que ya conocemos (SND, Malofiej, UNAV) así como la diversidad de jueces, perspectivas e invitados.
El fallo de decidirá en la Cumbre Mundial de Periodismo de la GEN en París a finales de mayo. Ojalá pueda seguir contado más detalles.
A positive story: Global Editors Networks has nominated one of my interactive graphics at the 'selected' Global Editors Networks - Google - European Journalism Center Awards.
To me it is a prize, because of who are the judges, the category selected and because ELMUNDO.es is the only Spanish publication in the impressive list, so I am delighted to inform everyone.
In my opinion it is good that new forums arise, among well-known others like SND's and Malofiej and the diversity of judges, prospects and guests.
The winners will be public at the World Summit Gen Journalism in Paris in late May. Hopefully I can continue telling more details.
A positive story: Global Editors Networks has nominated one of my interactive graphics at the 'selected' Global Editors Networks - Google - European Journalism Center Awards.
To me it is a prize, because of who are the judges, the category selected and because ELMUNDO.es is the only Spanish publication in the impressive list, so I am delighted to inform everyone.
In my opinion it is good that new forums arise, among well-known others like SND's and Malofiej and the diversity of judges, prospects and guests.
The winners will be public at the World Summit Gen Journalism in Paris in late May. Hopefully I can continue telling more details.
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